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Mariel Clayton is a Photographer and Artist
currently based in Oakville, Ontario.
She was not abused as a child. She doesn't hate men.. some of them she finds rather useful, and she will not tell you where she got all the miniatures from or sell you any.
Specialising in the macabre and subversive, her work uses a combination of banal, bland stereotypes and sinister themes of psychology and mortality to entice the viewer to look further into not only the image, but the dark corners of their own psyche.
It really is all in the tiny little details, and the more you look, the more you will see.
Buy a print, circle all the dildos, it's fun for the whole family!
Mariel's imagery has been featured and shared worldwide, in Magazines, Art Books and Textbooks - from 'Hey! Modern art and Pop Culture' to Vogue Portugal, to being included in 'Oh Myyy (There goes the Internet)' - a collection of memes and musings by Social Media juggernaut George Takei.
Her work has been shown in Gallery Exhibitions in Paris, Berlin, Munich, Belgium, Switzerland, Brazil, London and New York.
She has worked with multiple Artistic and Dramatic Associations, most notably creating commissioned pieces for the Teatro Pubblico Pugliese Dance Company in Bari, Italy as well as posters for Making Film Productions in Hong Kong.
She was even approached to create pictures representing different categories in a well-known Pornography Awards Ceremony... but technically she can't really talk about that, and to this day doesn't know how they got her number.
The work is not for everyone.. so if you're here to save her soul, move along now.. just... move along, you'd be wasting your time as she already exchanged it for a bottle of Yamazaki.
If you're here because you're not afraid to engage, explore, ruminate over and even laugh at the darker side of life and it's massive inconsistencies, then by all means, stay a while.
No... she's not sharing the Yamazaki.

Add your name to my 'Little Black List' of twisted intelligentsia
if you would like to stay informed when new prints, and much smaller runs of Limited Edition older print re-releases are uploaded.
Any other questions, inquiries or if you'd just like to
shower me with affection (preferred) please use the form below.
Warning, any offers to save and/or pray for me or suggestions on how
I should turn my life around and be kept away from animals and small
children shall be published and openly mocked at best
... life may imitate art at worst.